domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

CALL for PATERS:Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes

Journal: WorldWide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Emerald Publishing United Kingdom.

Special Issue on: Global Warming: Apocalyptic Theories and Tourism

The beginning of a new millennium finds us in a position that other generations have never experienced. Global warming is creating irreversible aftermaths in environs which affect both developing and developed countries. As a result of this, some scholars devoted considerable attention in studying the potential role of tourism respecting to global warming in general and green-house gas emissions in particular. Whereas a few considers that tourism would be an efficient instrument to revitalize the ecology, others opt to point out that tourism activity seems to be part of the problem. From floods to mega-hurricanes, the earth seems to give frequent signals of exhaustion. What is important to note here is that the green-house effect has been increased in last 5 years. Recently, many studies have shown that we as people and enterprises state our concern about effects of global warming but paradoxically do not make anything to change their behaviour or style of life. This is a question not only of bio-ethics but also something that will answer our long term existence upon this planet.

Some consider that the “fictionalization of disasters” encouraged by mass media and cultural and entertainment industries such as the hospitality industry blurs the causes and consequences that led human-kind to a desperate state of ecological emergency. Rather, other scholars see in tourism a vehicle towards the revitalization economic resources that can give a valid solution for such concerns. Whatever the truth there may be, most experts would admit that resilience and the capacity to mitigate effects of global warming would be of paramount importance in order for tourism to adapt and survive.

In the above background, this special issue is aimed at publishing high-quality papers, notes of researches, and book reviews that focus on the exchanges between tourism and global warming. It will also discuss the opportunities and challenges for tourism in next few critical years. The complexity and profundity of the global warming issue invites interdisciplinary approaches. Not limited to a certain discipline, this special issue calls for the participation of all scholars working in the interface areas between tourism and global warming.

Important Dates

  • Full Paper Due: Due by 28 February 2012
  • Final acceptance of papers is due by March 2012
  • Please send manuscripts to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

4. Guest Editors
University of Palermo, Department of Economics

Larrea 1079 - 3rd Floor
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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