sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2021


A professora Vania Herédia, do corpo permanente do PPGTURH-UCS, está entre os autores do livro “Industrial Heritage in the Urban Identity and Memory Axis”. O livro reúne textos de especialistas de universidades asiáticas, europeias e latinas, e têm como objeto de estudo o patrimônio industrial. No campo conceitual, diversos textos colaboram para inserir o interessado na área do conhecimento. A obra compreende uma série de análises de como o patrimônio industrial está sendo tratado em países diversos e como esse patrimônio pode contribuir para o as diversas áreas do conhecimento, inclusive para o turismo. 

Na apresentação da obra, os organizadores destacam que "o campo do patrimônio industrial tem sido abordado a partir de uma perspectiva multifacetada, tomando os princípios das relações de causa e feitos, estabelecimento de interesse, comparação temporal e espacial" (Karadağ & Baykal, 2021). Chamam a atenção que o livro é produto interdisciplinar e que tem "a distinção de ser o primeiro na Turquia em termos de inovação" sobre patrimônio industrial. Os capítulos seguem um fluxo de fundamentos teóricos e conceituais para exemplos práticos. Os autores explicam que o livro contribui para a conscientização e proteção do patrimônio industrial com objetivo de preencher a lacuna em seu campo.


This internationally qualified work, titled “Industrial Heritage in the Urban, Identity and  Memory Axis”, which consists of and 20 different papers, was prepared under the editorship of Ege University faculty members Assoc. Prof. Arife KARADAĞ and Prof. Füsun BAYKAL, and was written on the axis of “Human and Economic Geography”. In other words, the field of industrial heritage has been approached from a multi-faceted perspective by taking the principles of cause-effect relationships, establishing interest, temporal and spatial comparison, and interpretation of distributions of geography as reference. Thus, the inclusive power of geography has prepared the birth of this book as an interdisciplinary product. In this respect, the book has the distinction of being the first in Turkey in terms of both the innovation it brought to the science of geography and the identity of a multi-part international publication on industrial heritage.

The book contains a chapter on each of the main topics related to industrial heritage. The chapters follow a flow from theoretical and conceptual foundations to practical examples. The fact that the subjects and authors are from different disciplines (Geography, History, Architecture, City and Regional Planning, Sociology, Cultural Heritage Philology, etc.) enriched the content of the book. In conclusion, we present this reference book, which consists of “Industrial heritage” as a new cultural concept, cities, urban memory, and industrial heritage, tourism and industrial heritage, revitalization and evaluation of industrial heritage in Europe, re-functioning of industrial heritage, and examples from Turkey, to the attention anyone who is interested with the belief that it will contribute to the awareness and protection of industrial heritage, fill the publication gap in its field, open new horizons and form the basis for new publications.


HERÉDIA, Vania Beatriz Merlotti; FONTANA, Giovanni. Industrial Heritage and Italian Immigration in the South of Brazil. In: KARADAĞ, Arife; BAYKAL, Füsun. Industrial Heritage in the Urban Identity and Memory Axis.

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